Pastor Rick's Blog 02/02/2023

CCW Weekly Update

For 40 long years Israel had been wandering in the wilderness. Finally, we get to the point where Joshua is going to lead the Israelites into Canaan and it’s easy street, right? Wrong. Immediately, they are met with an insurmountable obstacle: it’s fall and the Jordan River's banks have swelled. When you Burn the Boats and begin to move FORWARD, expect adversity. Satan doesn't want the child of God moving forward 1 inch. Satan would prefer we take up residence in the wilderness, living comfortably, quietly, eating our manna, and not making much of a stir. We are going to see what happens when the people of God, armed with the power of God face rough waters.  Join us this Sunday at 10AM for Pastor Rick's Sermon "Bridge over Troubled Water."
Reminder - Sunday is our after- service Luncheon and all are invited to join us for a great fellowship meal. Deidra Brown, our missions coordinator, and the Hibbs family will be sharing during the luncheon about 2023 missions opportunities.

If you haven't visited CCW, we'd love to have you! You're welcome anytime, but you can also schedule a visit, so we'll be looking for you!

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