Day 14


Psalm 91

Mentally, Psalm 91 is an anxiety-busting balm for my soul. It’s a reminder that I'm so important that God commands his angels to guard me. It’s a reminder that I have to go through the difficult time I’m facing. But while I’m going through it, He is my fortress; He is my refuge.

They say there are two absolutes in life, taxes and death. There is a third, hard times. They’re coming, just ended, or are about to hit. Is your hard time sickness? Death of a loved one? Cancer or disease? Finances? Work? Raising teens? Infertility? Health? Exhausted caregiver? What are you going through?

A few things I’ve been through as an adult: infertility, miscarriage, job stressors, moving several times, sick kids, raising teens, mammogram call back, etc. Hindsight being 20/20 and all, I can see that I was closest to Him when I went through these things. It didn’t feel like it at the time. I prayed fervently, I searched scripture, read wise commentary applying scripture to my situation, cried when I worshiped, and I searched. There were days I couldn’t say anything but “Jesus over” (insert person or situation). He was my refuge and He was my fortress. I can see I was closer to Him because I sought Him. I could see the goodness of His intervention in my story. He was my refuge, my fortress, and His angels guarded me though I couldn’t see it at the time. My safety was in my mentality. By mentally focusing on His promises, I made it through the tough times.

Safety versus security - He kept me safe in is His own way. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got battle scars but that’s what built my faith. I’m here safe now. Security - He only gives us security through the cross in heaven. I still had to go through it. You do, too. He will keep us safe while we learn to trust Him. Take heart friend, our security is in heaven and no hard times will come when we're there.

By: Leah Lightner
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